Are you a free spirit? Discover the top 5 zodiac signs who crave independence and personal freedom. From adventurous Aries to enigmatic Aquarius, these signs value their liberty above all else. Uncover the traits that make them true-blue individualists.

Mumbai: There is rarely something in life as beautiful as freedom, and for some, it is not a desire but the very definition of themselves. Though it is very true that everybody loves their personal space and independence, there are some zodiac signs for whom freedom starts to become a little too important. In fact, they do their best when allowed to be free from the chains of monotony and other people’s expectations.

Freedom, for them, is not so much a physical state but the opportunity for free mental and emotional space to unfold, grow, and be fully manifest. Whether it is an adventurous spirit, boundless intellectual curiosity, or a fiercely individual personality, these zodiacs time and again urge for freedom to live life according to their own will. 5 Zodiac Signs That Crave Freedom Below are five such zodiac signs that crave freedom the most, along with how this need governs their lives and personalities.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) Sagittarians are the zodiac signs’ ultimate lovers of freedom. This is because they are guided by the largest planet, Jupiter, that which deals with expanding and progressing. Sagittarians have inquisitive minds and yearn to discover the world in all its forms.

They require .