WWE is the world's biggest wrestling company which has so many wrestlers in their company. WWE always take care of their wrestler and they provide them a fair chance to have a successful wrestling career along with a luxurious life. Some WWE wrestlers earn millions from their tenure in WWE.

Being a part of WWE, wrestlers got so much popularity. Unfortunately, some wrestling stars are not so lucky to earn so much amounts during their wrestling tenure and post-retirement they choose to work in different fields but some wrestlers work in different fields due to their passion in different areas. After wrestling also there is life and a person who has been wrestling for years, may have a wish to have a career in a different field.

Post Retirement Some wrestlers use their popularity to cash in on real life and some use their name to create a new career. A wrestler has a regular job of training and wrestling but post-retirement things get changed and They get sufficient time to pursue a new career or to have a good time with family. There are some wrestler who performs in WWE and has decades of wrestling career but some stay away from the wrestling world and start a new life after wrestling, here are some wrestlers who choose a different field after their retirement.

The former WWE superstar Kane is one of the legendary wrestlers of WWE and has enjoyed a super successful career in wrestling. Kane had so much popularity among the fans and was one of the common names in the wrestling .