1. Hydration is the key for a healthy skin. Even in the rainy season, after taking a bath, always use a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturiser to prevent your skin from getting greasy while providing the necessary hydration.

Moisturisation is helpful in maintaining the skin’s barrier function and prevents it from becoming dry and dull. Water-based moisturisers are helpful in keeping your skin smooth and silky. (Image Source: Pinterest/thehut) 2.

During the monsoon season, your skin is more prone to congestion, therefore, exfoliation is crucial to remove dead skin cells and clear pores. A gentle exfoliator can be included once or twice weekly in your skincare routine to reveal a brighter face and boost cell regeneration. Harsh scrubs that can damage the skin should be avoided, and chemical exfoliants, like AHAs or BHAs can be used for mild yet effective exfoliation.

(Image Source: Pinterest/wikihow) 3. Protecting your skin from the ultraviolet rays of the sun is very important. These rays are harmful to your skin as they can damage it.

Even on cloudy days, UV rays can still penetrate through clouds and cause damage to your skin. A broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 can be applied to shield your skin. The correct way to use sunscreen is to reapply it after every few hours, especially when you’re spending time outdoors.

(Image Source: Pinterest/mdsolarsciences) 4. Face masks can also help with your skincare. Applying face masks helps address specific skin concer.