Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Houses of Guanajuato getty Mexico is home to more U.S. expats than any other country, with as many as 1.

6 million currently living there. Relocating south of the border is an easy choice for many Americans. Mexico is easy to reach by plane or car.

It’s one of the few international havens that you can reasonably pack up and drive to. It’s also familiar, with many of the same franchises and brands that are available in the U.S.

You won’t need to go without your favorite brand of cereal or settle for a slightly less satisfying local alternative for it. Costs of living are generally lower in Mexico than in the U.S.

, and English is fairly well spoken by locals, at least in areas that are popular with tourists. More importantly, Mexico is an all-around appealing place to live. It’s a land of ancient history with a rich modern culture and world-renowned cuisine.

It has beautiful landscapes, including beautiful beaches on its Pacific and Caribbean coasts, and its weather is warm year-round. While it might be easy to picture your new life in Mexico, this country also has its quirks that you should know about before deciding to move here. Here are five things to know before moving to Mexico.

Mexico Is Massive Mexico is most famous for its beach resorts, but it’s a massive country—the 13th biggest country in the world, with a population of over 130 million people. A huge amount of diversity—of landscapes, biomes, climate.