Call center artificial intelligence is already helping contact and call centers in a wide range of areas, from agent performance and assistance to automation and the customer experience. 5 technologies enabled by call center AI today I’ve compiled the most helpful AI call center capabilities available on the market right now, plus three exciting advancements you’ll see in the next few years. Conversational IVR Interactive voice response is one of the first applications of advanced call center technology, automating important aspects of customer interaction by eliciting spoken responses.

SEE: Will Power Availability Derail the AI Revolution? (TechRepublic Premium) In its earliest days, IVR performed exactly like the machine that it was. While somewhat human in nature, it sounded closer to a computer and recognized only pre-recorded responses. If a caller said anything other than a specific phrase — something basic like “speak to an agent,” “check account status,” or “main menu” — they were usually shuttled to a live agent with an explanation that essentially amounted to “answer does not compute.

” Today’s iterations stand in stark contrast to the robotic versions of the not-so-distant past. Much more conversational in its approach, the automated tool can recognize and respond to a wide range of statements or requests. Natural language capabilities mean customers can speak the way they do in real life.

And machine learning empowers a continuously expand.