Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for the proper functioning of our bodies. Deficiency of it can cause physical, psychological and mental symptoms that can affect your day-to-day life. Despite its importance, many people are unaware of just how easy it is to become deficient in this vitamin, especially if your diet lacks animal products.

With time, this deficiency can sneak up on you, bringing with it a range of symptoms that can be confusing to identify. So, how do you know if you are running low on this nutrient? If you have this question on your mind, then read on to know 5 signs your body is low on vitamin B12. Also Read: Deficiency In B Vitamins Linked To Mental Illnesses In Adolescents: Preliminary Study Why Is Vitamin B12 Important? Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient that helps your body in several ways.

It helps make your DNA and red blood cells. Moreover, it is also needed to develop your central nervous system – which comprises of your brain and spinal cord. Plus, it is important to keep your hair, nails and skin healthy.

The trick part about this nutrient is that our body does not produce this naturally, so we need to have the right foods to meet our nutritional requirements. Here Are 5 Signs You Vitamin B12 Deficiency In Your Body 1. Feeling Tired All The Time One of the most common signs of vitamin B12 deficiency is that you will constantly feel tired.

This happens because your body does not produce enough red .