Regular sunscreen helps mitigate these reactions, providing extra protection for photosensitive skin. Sunscreen is often associated with sunny summer days, but its benefits extend far beyond protecting against sunburn. Sunscreen is commonly linked to sunny summer days, but its advantages go beyond safeguarding against sunburn.

Here, we explore five unique and factual reasons to use sunscreen daily, ensuring your skin stays healthy and protected in summer and every season of the year: Rupali Sharma, CEO & Founder of Aegte, a Premium 100% Vegan & Natural Beauty Brand, concludes, "Sunscreen is a vital step of daily skin care, protecting just UV rays. From shielding against blue light and environmental pollutants to preventing collagen breakdown and photosensitivity reactions, sunscreen incorporating sunscreen into your routine year-round is a simple yet powerful step towards preserving your skin's vitality and preventing premature ageing. Prioritize this essential skincare habit to enjoy healthy, resilient skin every season.

Stay bright and shield your skin; let sunscreen be your daily win!".