Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Alexandria is located a few miles from Washington, DC, and brims with old-world charm and locally-owned businesses. Have you ever visited a place close to your heart so often you’ve lost count? That’s how I feel about Alexandria, Virginia . When I lived in Washington, D.

C. in my twenties, this postcard-perfect city served as my urban escape with it brick-lined streets, historic houses, and locally-owned businesses. Alexandria felt so far from the nation’s capital, despite being a few miles away.

To this day, I find myself drawn to the city. Though it’s further than a short drive away nowadays, it’s still easy to get to (thank you, Amtrak) and as in the past, always rewarding. Even better? You can experience the best of the city in one weekend.

Below are five reasons why you should plan your next getaway to Alexandria, Virginia. Hotel Heron Opened earlier this summer, Old Town’s Hotel Heron —whose name takes inspiration from the graceful bird native to Virginia—is the newest addition to Aparium Hotel Group’s portfolio of small, design-driven properties across the country; it’s also the stylish boutique hotel Alexandria so deserved and needed. Occupying what used be the historic George Mason Hotel, Hotel Heron merges the best of all worlds: a lively social hub—the event calendar is packed with live DJ sets, community events, and yoga classes—a dreamy place to rest, and a convenient jumping-off point fo.