Summary US restricts F-35 sales due to security concerns, leading to many allies getting barred. Countries with Huawei 5G networks face obstacles in acquiring F-35s. Concerns over avoiding espionage influence US decisions regarding F-35 sales.

While the United States is exporting F-35 Lightning II fighter jets to its allies and partners around the world . However, the F-35 is still regarded as a closely guarded secret, and the US places many stringent and often "onerous" conditions on countries that purchase the aircraft. For example, even though Israel is a very close ally, the US forbids Israeli pilots who have foreign passports from flying them.

The US is barring several allies from purchasing F-35s . 1 Operating Russian S-400 SAM systems The US will not tolerate the F-35 near a Russian S-400 Planned Turkish F-35s: 100 S-400 in-service date: 2007 Primary operator: Russia Turkey is a major US NATO ally, but the two countries can sometimes have major arguments. One example is when Turkey decided to purchase Russian S-400 air defense systems as well.

The United States was concerned that this could compromise the F-35 (the F-35 must be able to defeat the S-400). After repeatedly warning Turkey, the US kicked Turkey out of the program. Turkey seems to have landed a very bad deal.

Not only is Turkey now unable to purchase F-35s, but it has chosen not to operate the $2.5 billion Russian S-400s. After five years, the Turkish S-400s have remained gathering dust in storage.

Turkey i.