When Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the moon for the first time in 1969, Space Age design had already taken hold. As the space race between the U.S.

and the former Soviet Union heated up in the late ’50s, futuristic aesthetics proliferated, not only in science fiction films but also in interior spaces. Furniture design used new materials, bold colors, and innovative shapes inspired by rocket ships and UFOs. Cultural events and values tend to influence design movements throughout history, from the optimistic and prosperous 1920s and its adoption of art deco style to the pared-down, somewhat bland ’90s minimalism that marked the backlash to the exuberant, baroque excess of the ’80s.

What’s hot in interior design at any given time has everything to do with current events, nostalgia, economic trends, and available resources. To determine what’s trending this year, Lazzoni Modern Furniture dove into industry research and social media crazes to highlight five of the biggest interior design trends of 2024. Uniting these trends is a sense of coziness that can be traced to both the COVID-19 pandemic, when our home environments became more important than ever, and the tumultuous political landscape of an election year.

In the face of uncertainty about the future, it’s natural that people want to create comfortable, playful domestic spaces. Ultra-modern cool tones are out, and yellows, pinks, oranges, and deep browns are in for 2024. With Pantone choosing soft Peach Fuzz as .