Self love is an act of looking after yourself, both physically and mentally.(Unsplash) Right after we wake up, we should not rush to find our phone, instead, for the next half hour, we should focus on ourselves and practice mindfulness before checking the phone or laptop. (Unsplash) Morning sunlight helps in regulating the circadian rhythm of the body.

We should allow nature to heal us from within. Morning walk on a regular basis can make us feel better. (Unsplash) A dinner rich in magnesium, omega-3 and complex carbs helps in regulating blood sugar levels, preventing blood sugar spikes at night and managing cortisol levels.

(Unsplash) Maintaining a gratitude journal and noting down the things that we are grateful for, on a regular basis, helps us to turn to the positive things in life. (Pexels) Having a nutrient-dense breakfast after waking up helps in reducing inflammation, boosting brain function, regulating gut-brain connection and regulating hormones. (Unsplash).