A Lincoln cooling tower may be to blame for five people developing Legionnaire’s disease in June and July and the public may still be at risk, state health officials said Monday. “All five individuals may have been exposed to contaminated water droplets from a cooling tower behind the RiverWalk Resort in the downtown area of Lincoln,” said a statement from the state Division of Public Health Services. “Most healthy people who are exposed to Legionella bacteria do not get sick,” the statement said.

“However, because the cooling tower is still in operation while remediation is ongoing, there may continue to be some risk of exposure to the public, especially for people within a half-mile of the cooling tower’s location.” The statement didn’t say whether anyone got sick or was hospitalized but advised those who recently were in that area to watch for illness. State and health environmental officials through testing confirmed the presence of Legionella bacteria contaminating the cooling tower.

RiverWalk is working with the state health department to address the contamination, officials said. More test results are expected next week. A message left with an executive at the RiverWalk Resort wasn’t immediately returned.

“Many people who are exposed to Legionella bacteria develop only mild symptoms or no symptoms at all,” the statement said. “However, the bacteria can cause a more serious pneumonia called Legionnaire’s disease, which can be fatal if left un.