Summary Cargo aircraft have also helped in the transportation of space shuttles. Cargo aircraft have special containers called airstables for animal transport. Cargo aircraft have fewer windows for structural integrity and increased cargo capacity.

Recently, Emirates placed an order of nearly a billion dollars for freighter aircraft before the Farnborough Air Show 2024 . Some figures show that freighter flights might make up 37% of the ATK (available tonne-kilometer). Aircraft that are used for freighter flights have some unique capabilities that aren’t typically associated with passenger or general aviation aircraft.

Let’s take a look at five facts about cargo aircraft you might not know. Air Cargo handled by the top 20 airports has been decreasing by 3.2% year on year.

1 Some large cargo aircraft were designed to carry space shuttle Cargo aircraft have been used for NASA's missions There have been various aircraft that have been designed to carry a massive payload. These include the likes of: Cargo Aircraft Payload Capacity Airbus A300-600ST Super Transporter aka Airbus Beluga 47 tons Antonov An-225 250 tonnes Aero Spacelines Super Guppy 24 tonnes Lockheed C-5 Galaxy 127 tons Two of the names in the table stand out. One of the Supper Guppy, which, according to AeroTime , was famous for: “its crucial role in the Apollo program and became the first and only plane in the world to fly Apollo IV rockets and other components in 1965.

The Super Guppy was also widely used for.