Learn how women can prevent kidney diseases eating these 5 foods daily. According to the National Kidney Foundation , women have higher risk of developing kidney disease than men. This gender difference between the two could be because of various factors such as pregnancy, high blood pressure and stress.

Women are more often prone to develop urinary tract infections which may lead to kidney damage. Chronic Kidney Disease is a long-term health problem that further affects the other body organs. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating a well-balanced diet may reduce the risks of kidney disease in women.

5 Foods To Prevent Kidney Disease In Women Eat these 5 daily foods to ensure your kidneys are doing fine. Rich in vitamin C, cherries are great for your kidney health. They are fiber dense fruits that help kidneys function better.

Their anti-inflammatory properties help reduce swelling in the kidney if you already have kidney disease. The National Kidney Foundation suggest eating cherries to people with kidney diseases of all stages due to its low phosphorous. Their antioxidants help fight oxidative stress on the kidney.

Red grapes are nutritious and delicious grapefruits rich in vitamins and minerals. They are a great source of vitamin C which help prevent kidney injury and fasten the healing process. Red grapes are also rich in vitamin K, manganese and magnesium.

However, they also have potassium, so consult your doctor to know how much potassium you're allowed to take. Mel.