Quick Links Meet "Dextre," the trusty maintenance robot aboard the ISS A scientific laboratory like no other If you like sunsets, you'll love life aboard the ISS The ISS has a giant robotic arm The men and women of the International Space Station Since its first module, Zarya, was launched in 1998, the International Space Station has represented one of humanity's most remarkable feats of engineering and scientific exploration. A collaborative effort between the United States, Russia, Japan, Canada, and the European Space Agency (ESA), this monumental endeavor has brought together the brightest minds from diverse space agencies around the world, who share a common goal of advancing human presence in space, conducting cutting-edge research, and fostering global cooperation. This article will explore five fascinating facts about this floating hub of scientific research that has captured the imagination of millions.

1 Meet "Dextre," the trusty maintenance robot aboard the ISS Robotic maintenance is critical in space Dextre, also known as the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator, is a highly sophisticated and versatile outboard robot aboard the ISS designed to handle delicate and precise tasks that would otherwise require a spacewalk by astronauts. Some of these tasks include changing batteries, replacing cameras, replacing various defective components in the station's electrical system, and assisting in the installation and maintenance of scientific instruments and experiments o.