One excellent method to improve daily calorie expenditure is to increase our daily mobility by engaging in an activity like walking that we can do for an extended amount of time. While any form of exercise will help you boost your daily calorie burn , some perhaps in a quicker time, walking for weight loss is an easy starting point for many people. Only a very basic level of strength and fitness is needed.
It's also very low impact and doesn't require any equipment, maybe some decent shoes. Once you’re all set to experience the results walking can have on your weight, how about pushing yourself to the limit and training your body for a month? As the article suggests, all you need to do is walk every day for a month using the following walking plan and see yourself transform. How to plan your weekly walking plan Monday: 3 x 10-min walk with slow pace Tuesday: 30-min brisk walk Wednesday: 30-min easy pace walk Thursday: 30-min easy pace walking Friday: 30-min brisk walk Saturday: 2 x 30-min walk with slow pace Sunday: 60-min brisk walk We guarantee you that the first time you’ll step on the scale after a month of following this routine, you will be amazed to see how many pounds you’ve dropped by merely walking everyday.
Work on your pace gradually The advantages increase with the distance, pace, and frequency of your walks. For instance, you might begin as an average walker and gradually increase to walking at a quicker pace and finishing a mile faster than the typical wa.