Listen, we here at are aware that we have a bit of a reputation for promising to enlighten you with “ !” on newsstands month after month during some of our spiciest (and, ahem, most iconic) eras. But while we’ve since graduated to more inclusive, manners of that don’t involve scandalizing your mom in the grocery store checkout line with our salacious coverlines, the simple fact remains that when it comes to , we still know what we’re talking about. And the key to getting him all kinds of hot and bothered, my friends, is to get intimately acquainted with the male .

But before we give you all the horny little details of where and how the lucky guy in your life might like to be touched, allow us to make one thing clear: By “male,” we do not specifically mean cis guys with penises. While some arousal triggers on this list may be unique to male/ bodies, many of these spots can be found and stimulated on bodies of all kinds during sex with folks of . Erogenous zones can be any part of the body that helps you become, well, physically aroused, says sex and relationships coach .

And while, yes, this includes the standard ones you’ve likely heard of before, someone’s favorite places to be touched can also include various other, seemingly non-sexual spots that just so happen to do it for them. Of course, no two people are exactly alike when it comes to where and how they like to be touched. “Everyone is different and what feels sexually stimulating for one person won.