Intuitive eating is a philosophy of eating that helps you guide your eating based on your internal hunger cues. There is no theoretical diet pattern to follow, and the focus lies on eating by listening and understanding your body and its hunger signals. Following intuitive eating is a great way to build a healthy relationship with food and your body.

In intuitive eating, there are four different types of hunger. In a video on Instagram, Sohee Carpenter, a popular fitness coach, simplifies these four types of hunger and explains how it is valid to honour each of them with a balanced perspective. Here Are 4 Different Types Of Hunger We Experience: 1.

Physical Hunger Physical hunger is the typical type of hunger you feel when your body requires food. It stems from a biological need for energy from food. You can feel it by a "grumbling in your tummy or perhaps you'll be cranky or low on energy," Carpenter shares.

It is important to eat and not suppress your physical hunger. Also Read: Watch: Why Do We Sometimes Feel Hungry Right After Eating A Meal? Expert Explains In Viral Video 2. Practical Hunger Practical hunger is when you are "not physically hungry now, but are eating to curb future physical hunger," Carpenter shares.

For example, if you are about to leave the house for several hours, running errands around town, it might be easier for you to eat a proper meal at home first so you don't have to worry about food while you are gone. 3. Emotional Hunger Emotional eating is whe.