According to Consumer Affairs, “the average car costs around $900 per year to repair and maintain.” But some vehicles cost their owners twice that much or more to keep up and running every year. Unsurprisingly, the most expensive cars to maintain and repair are those built by luxury manufacturers using premium materials and high-end parts that cost to fix and replace.

Vehicle purchasing and researching platform CarEdge used millions of automotive data points to analyze and rank major auto manufacturers according to their vehicles’ long-term ownership costs, frequency of breaking down and probability of needing major repairs. The most expensive ones to own — naturally among the most expensive to buy — cost . The average Porsche model requires $22,075 for maintenance and repairs during its first 10 years on the road — that’s $2,207.

50 per year, making the iconic nameplate the most expensive brand on the market. Of course, that’s just an annualized average. Like all vehicles, Porsches cost more to maintain and repair the older they get.

In the first year, you can expect to spend $734 to keep your high-performance, imported German status symbol on the road. By year five, it more than doubles to $1,683. By year seven, the average Porsche costs $3,001 and by its 10th year of service, the average Porsche costs its owner $4,745.

Overall, the average Porsche costs over $10,031 more than even the average luxury brand over a decade, and it comes with a 51.17% probability.