Did you know that plants can experience being sunburnt like humans? Instead of turning red or purple, household plants change from a rich vibrant green colour to a yellow, white or brown shade and if left untreated could result in plant death. Luckily, a gardening expert has revealed a key ingredient you can find in your house or at any supermarket that can cure your plants from dying out and it only costs 3p. Elise Harlock, a brand manager at Prestige Flowers, suggests that plain, unsweetened yoghurt is a miracle cure that can save your plants.

She said: "Yoghurt contains probiotics that promote healthy microbial activity, essential for nutrient absorption and overall plant health." The probiotics form a protective layer on the surface of the plant, safeguarding it from additional UV damage and boosting its natural defences. She added: "It’s like a soothing balm for the plant.

It not only protects but also aids in recovery." When choosing what type of yoghurt, Elise suggests a Greek yoghurt due to its thicker consistency and higher concentration of beneficial bacteria. Elise continued: "This makes it easier to apply and more potent in its healing properties.

" However, gardeners should not simply apply the yoghurt directly to the plants, Elise advises making a solution of one part yoghurt with three parts water - using one tablespoon of yoghurt for every three tablespoons of water. You should stir the mixture until fully dissolved, then transfer it to a clean spray bottle. .