1. A thermal phone case because your phone battery goes from 100% to 54% after being out in the hot sun for 30 minutes — and you haven't even used it. The chromium thermal barrier (similar to spacesuit technology!) will reflect 90% of the sun's rays, so the next time you want to take a quick selfie, you won't have to "hot potato" your phone.

It works the same way to protect your phone in extreme cold, and it also provides excellent protection if your phone gets dropped or knocked over. Psst — you may have seen this on Shark Tank ! Promising review: "This is just what the doctor ordered for those who can’t take their cell phones into their workplace. It works as I can attest to that.

When I put it away in the car before I go into work, it is at the mercy of the cold and heat. This pocket does exactly what it says it can do. It protects the cell phone from heat and cold.

This is the slickest thing since sliced bread. It is worth the price for keeping my phone safe from the elements. I believe in it because in triple digit heat, the phone is still touchable after you remove it instead of being hot as hell.

If that doesn’t sell this, nothing will. Any naysayers shall be made into believers after they buy this. You can believe that.

I do and you can’t fake reality. Take it from me, it works as advertised and it will save your cell phone from certain death from the elements." — Mark Philpot Get it from Amazon for $24.

74+ (available in three styles and two sizes). 2. And.