One night, kids are just a sparkle in your partner’s eye — but before you know it, you’re shelling out over a hundred dollars just so you can both escape from those little devils. Yes, it’s prohibitively expensive and yes, you’re too tired to keep your eyes open. But consider the long-term investment: regular date nights are cheaper than divorce! Here, the wittiest parents on X (formerly Twitter) describe in detail what it’s like to go out with the love of your life after you’ve become parents.

You know you’ve neglected Date Night when you Uber it to one of your favourite restaurants, only to find out that they’ve been out of business for 2 months. 😬😬😬 My wife and I are the best parents to our kids when we are on a date night and drunk [date night] Me: (thinking) We have a love so pure and true. Our love can overcome any obstacle- Husband: *begins chewing* Me: Check please.

*Date Night As Parents* Mostly silence bc we know we shouldn't talk about the kids and various looks around the room commenting about the "beautiful lights" and "nice curtains" before I awkwardly blurt out "I got the next size up in diapers for the baby". I complained about my husband never spicing things up on date night and now he’s wearing a bow tie at Applebee’s It occurred to me that my wife and I have 12, maybe 13 years before we can probably have a date night without worrying about baby sitters or the kids. It’s made me stressed.

Not because it’s years away, but be.