It happens at some point in elementary school. Your child comes to you for help with a math problem. “I’ve got this,” you think.

“Line up the numbers, add, carry the 1 and ...

” Oh, no you don’t! “That’s not how the teacher does it,” your child says. What? How many ways can there possibly be to do basic math? But the way that you learned to add, subtract, divide and multiply has gone the way of ..

. the brontosaurus. And the planet Pluto.

If your addition problems don’t become multiple equations, your subtraction problems don’t involve number lines and your multiplication doesn’t follow something called the box method, you’re no longer qualified to fulfill this classic parental duty. Here, the funny parents of X (formerly Twitter) describe in hilarious detail how today’s math methods are skibidi delulu sus to them. I was amazing at math until ppl started being born in the 2000s My child’s math problem says that Lisa bought 5 loaves of bread that cost $0.

25 each and 6 lbs of beef that cost $1.25 per pound and the only information I need is where does Lisa do her grocery shopping. anyone who assists their elementary aged child with math homework without cursing the entire time should be awarded a nobel prize Me: Do you have math homework? 11-year-old: Yeah.

Me: How many problems? 11: It's all a problem. I just did over 2.5 hours of math homework with my 11 year-old where is my treat A haunted house for parents but in every room is a child asking for .