Aaron Eckhart ’s Harvey Dent once said in The Dark Knight , “You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” While that exact scenario is not always the case in most comic book adaptations, there are quite a few instances in which the central character does not deserve to be called the hero as much as another member of the ensemble whose actions played a more pivotal role in the final victory. Let’s take a look at some of the best superhero movies in which the superhero ended up owing a supporting role a large debt of gratitude.

Avengers: Endgame (The Rat) It would be easy to call Iron Man ( Robert Downey Jr .) the real hero of one of the best Marvel movies , 2019’s Avengers: Endgame , since he is the one who sacrifices his life to destroy Thanos (Josh Brolin) at the end. However, the Avengers would have never been able to build a time machine, collect the Infinity Stones, and reverse the Titan’s genocidal act if not for Scott Lang (Paul Rudd), who was released from the Quantum Realm by a device activated by a rat that scurries across it.

Thus, that rat is the MCU’s true savior. The Batman (Officer Martinez) Matt Reeves ’ The Batman from 2022 is one of the rare live-action Batman movies to portray Bruce Wayne’s alter ego (Robert Pattinson) as a genuine detective, but he still never would have figured out Riddler's (Paul Rano) plan to flood Gotham without a tip from Martinez (Gil Perez-Abraham). The GCPD officer identified .