What’s harder to land than a hit movie? Try a hit series of movies. This list of titles is full of movies that, through one reason or another, we’re shocked haven’t become bigger franchises in the Hollywood landscape. Master and Commander: Far Side of the World Director Peter Weir’s seafaring epic starring Russell Crowe and Paul Bettany has become a fan favorite over time but somehow didn’t catch fire upon initial release.

A Master and Commander reboot is in the works, but missing out on more of this pair is still a tragedy. Battlestar Galactica How in the Frak did Caprica not catch on with people? We could have had even more answers into Ronald D. Moore ’s reimagining of Battlestar Galactica , and yet people didn’t seem ready for it.

Even with the defunct Peacock reboot and an attempted movie adaptation proposed in the past, this sci-fi landmark can’t seem to catch a break, which makes you wonder just what went wrong. John Carter The world failed John Carter , but somehow dug straight into Avatar without a question. Holding the record for the longest period of book-to-film adaptation, the legendary Edgar Rice Burroughs’ space opera of Mars finally found itself adapted into a 2012 cult favorite, but failed to turn into a franchise for director Andrew Stanton to call his own.

Dredd It’s a shame that Dredd’s story of going from a beleaguered production to a fan favorite never paid off with sequels or spin-off series capitalizing on Karl Urban ’s time in .