The spoof movie is a greatly under-appreciated genre, with many critics assuming they try to take the easy way out by merely referencing the films they target without putting much effort into actual jokes. While those kinds of parodies do exist, there are more than enough classics that make up for them. Let's celebrate the all-time best parody movies by recounting some of their funniest lines and most uproarious sight gags.

Farts Around The Campfire (Blazing Saddles) These days, flatulence is widely considered a lazy and infantile way to get a cheap laugh, but it was revolutionary in Blazing Saddles . A scene from writer, director, and star Mel Brooks ' classic Western movie send-up in which Hedy— er , Hedley Lamarr's (Harvey Corman) cowboys take turns expelling gas around a campfire marked the very first time any fart had ever been depicted in a feature film. Dead Meat's Foreboding Signs (Hot Shots!) In 1991's Hot Shots! (which mostly takes aim at the '80s movie classic , Top Gun ), Dead Meat's (William O'Leary) wife, Mary (Heidi Swedberg) shows up just as he is about to go on a flight and, as they walk to the plane, a black cat crosses their path, he walks under a ladder, and she breaks a mirror while giving him a life insurance form to sign.

However, he says there will be more time to sign it afterward and also says he has an idea to reverse global warming and evidence about JFK's assassination which he will discuss after he comes back because "what could go wrong" in hi.