The widespread arrival of generative AI models over the past few years has struck fear in the hearts of many people who suddenly realized that significant parts of their knowledge-intensive jobs could be automated . Succeeding in this environment requires continuous learning to both adapt to new technologies as they emerge and to develop new knowledge and skills that will enable you to stay relevant as the requirements for jobs change. Unfortunately, we tend to think about learning primarily as something done in classes.

Indeed, getting additional formal education may be the right approach for adding tools to your skillset. But you should also be looking for opportunities to be learning all the time. Here are three ways to learn more effectively: Develop a learner’s mindset You should be on the lookout for opportunities to learn new things.

Keep a notebook with you. When you hear about (or someone talks about) a topic you don’t know much about, ask a follow-up question to get more information and context. Then, consider finding an article or book to learn more about it.

| It’s often tempting to nod along in mock understanding when confronted with a topic you don’t know anything about. It requires some vulnerability to admit that there is something you don’t know. But you won’t identify the gaps in your knowledge or work to fill them unless you are open to recognizing those gaps.

Another advantage of admitting aloud and in public what you don’t know encourages ot.