Chase happiness: Seek the things that make you feel genuinely happier and go after them! Giving, being generous, and doing kind deeds are examples of such things. Invest in peace: We must understand that the things that make us feel at peace are also the things that endure throughout our lives. Forgo external attachments: Don’t be attached to things that are outside of yourself.

While doing yoga I have succeeded in imbibing two fundamental thoughts. Aparigraha: No greed or non-attachment. Viveka: Discernment to understand what is serving our higher purpose.

It’s being fully in tune with our inner conscience! These two fundamental thoughts are key if we want to bring tremendous happiness into our lives. We should not expect too much of others and we should discern what is best for us as we strive to live our best life! I was in Florida for my birthday in January 2021, and a friend of mine from New York decided to come down and celebrate it with me. I had planned a quiet day on the beach as a gift to myself.

Among other things scheduled for the day was a massage and a reiki chakra balancing. We were going to dance on the ocean front at 8 p.m.

in the light of the first full moon. We had even heard that a group of people had plans of holding a full moon drumming event. I had the car with me the whole day as I was running errands, but when I went to pick up my friend from his hotel, he was waiting in the parking lot with the most stunning and beautiful bouquet of roses, lilacs.