Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Methodology Methodology The right nutrition is one of the best ways to look and feel your best especially when you’re traveling. You may want to look svelte for a tropical beach trip where you’ll spend lots of time in your bathing suit, or are just coming back from an indulgent vacation and want to get back on track by eating nutrient-dense foods. Meal delivery services make it easy to eat well during those times — you’ll receive pre-packaged foods that are ready in minutes and you’ll know exactly what macros and calories are in them.

Also, most of these dishes freeze well so you can avoid the dreaded scenario of having nothing to eat after a trip. Curious to try one of these services? Here are three meal delivery businesses that will help you eat well ahead or after to your travels. 1.

Comprehensive With California’s Best Produce: Methodology (pictured above) Methodology has everything you need if you want to eat a nutrient-dense diet. When you sign up for one of their reset programs you’ll receive breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, as well as colorful shrubs. These are a combination of fruit flavors mixed with apple cider vinegar designed to have a digestion-enhancing effect when diluted and sipped with water.

Methodology’s meals are 80 percent plant-based and high in protein making it very easy to hit your macros. Breakfasts are dishes like easy-to-heat egg frittatas or chocolate-flavored high-protein o.