Heartburn and acid reflux are common digestive problems that can cause significant discomfort. While many people turn to certain beverages for relief, some drinks can actually worsen these conditions. Doctor Sethi, a gastroenterologist, revealed 3 common drinks that most people drink to relieve heartburn and acid reflux but these drinks can make the condition even worse.

In an Instagram post, he wrote, "As a gastroenterologist, I routinely manage patients with heartburn and acid reflux daily. These are 3 of the top mistakes I have seen patients make. Also Read: 12 Amazing Home Remedies For Acidity What Causes Heartburn and Acid Reflux? Heartburn and acid reflux occur when stomach acid flows back up into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation in the chest.

This can be caused by various factors, including: Also Read: 6 Fruits To Combat Acid Reflux Stress Here are 3 drinks to avoid if you suffer from heartburn or acid reflux: Lemon Water: While lemon water is often touted as a healthy drink, it can actually worsen heartburn and acid reflux. The acidity in lemon juice can irritate the esophagus and aggravate symptoms. Sodas: Both regular and diet sodas can contribute to heartburn and acid reflux.

The carbon dioxide in sodas can increase stomach pressure, forcing acid back up into the esophagus. Additionally, the sugar in regular sodas can exacerbate symptoms. Apple Cider Vinegar: Despite popular belief, apple cider vinegar is not a cure-all for heartburn and acid reflux.

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