Woof — it’s been a long week. If you feel like you’ve been working like a dog, let us offer you the internet equivalent of a big pile of catnip: hilarious tweets about pets. We Shih Tzu not.

Each week at HuffPost, we scour Twitter X (yes, Elon Musk is apparently fur real) to find the funniest posts about our furballs being complete goofballs. They’re sure to make you howl. (And if you want more, no need to beg ― you can check out last week’s batch right here .

) the childless cat lady rhetoric is deeply alienating. some of us are childless dog ladies. “You ready Barry? I’ll catch ya!” Y’all, I am screamingggg!!! pic.

twitter.com/b71waa58dv My favorite thing is when you stop petting a dog, and he puts his paw on you like "we're not done here" I gotta meet this dog pic.twitter.

com/TQ6zQL1Xig pic.twitter.com/9RW8UQ7KcX they both look like very expensive cats (compliment) https://t.

co/fa5ORGCUdQ My HOA is making me putt my dogs shit back in his fucking butt This is Buzz. He just completed the biggest stretch we have ever seen. 14/10 we know that felt good pic.

twitter.com/sdXeAwoz5J Goals! This Dog Has No Idea What's Going On: https://t.co/LKyXqvWY0C pic.

twitter.com/wyZyUOBAT0 My favorite micro-genre of internet videos is “dogs carrying sticks that are too big for them” Dogs reaction to viral "hands in" trend..

🐕🐾🤝😍 pic.twitter.com/c9fjmnE0Z5 real pic.

twitter.com/zPMlsBQhnk Dog doesn’t want to leave yet..

😂 pic.twitter.com/sldauOYauX Whenever .