The acclaimed film 1947 Earth (1999), directed by Deepa Mehta, completed 25 years on September 10. It was special for many reasons – it featured Aamir Khan in a rare negative role, its song ‘Rut Aa Gayi Re’ has a strong recall value, it told a story that is relevant even today, etc. Another memorable factor of the film was that it served as the acting debut of Rahul Khanna, the actor who today has a huge fan base for his looks and talent.

In an interview with Indian Express in 2019, the actor spoke about his memorable experience of shooting the film. 25 Years of 1947 Earth: Rahul Khanna’s first shot in his debut film involving kissing Nandita Das: “I couldn’t believe that I was getting paid to do this” Explaining how he bagged the role, he revealed that Deepa Mehta was in Chennai for a meeting with the film’s composer A R Rahman when she turned on the TV and saw him hosting a music request show on MTV Asia. Rahul said, “She thought I'd be perfect for the role of Hassan, the romantic lead of the film and asked her casting director, Uma DaCunha to reach out to me.

I was living and working in Singapore at the time and the next thing I knew I was on a plane to Mumbai to meet with her.” Rahul Khanna was so excited for the first day of the shoot that he didn’t sleep the night before. His call time was around 4:00 am at Tughlaqabad Fort in Delhi, that too in freezing cold temperatures.

Sadly, the day didn’t go as expected. Rahul Khanna revealed, “I stepped .