It’s a fact that is infinitely more fun when you’re a kid — there’s the whole Santa thing, it’s school holidays, you get bulk presents, and life is good. But when you’re a baby or toddler, you’re so tiny you can’t fathom what is going on. For those of us with babies and little ones in our extended family and friendship circles, we still have to buy them a .

So we need gift ideas for babies, toddlers and kids! I don’t have a toddler or a baby, but I seem to be surrounded by people who do. So I’ve gone ahead and done the Lord’s work and asked them what the fuck to buy their small children because I have no fucking idea. Here’s my running list of baby, toddler and kids pressie ideas, so you can simply ‘add to cart’.

If you’re looking for ideas for kids older than six or seven, just ask ’em. Those cheeky buggers usually have a list a mile long. You’re welcome! Christmas Gift Ideas For The Babies, Toddlers & Kids In Your Life As someone who has five nieces and nephews, I can confirm that these Oodie hooded beach towels are a bloody great gift idea, especially heading into summer.

‘Cos BPA-free is good for the environment, and Frank Green Bottles aren’t just for adults. The iconic brand has made these cute-as kiddie drink bottles that will keep drinks cool during what promises to be a sweltering summer. There’s a whole bunch of different little gremlins available if you want to give the little one in your life something to suit their personal.