If you've ever known an older couple who still act like they're in their honeymoon phase after decades together, you've probably spent some time wondering how in the heck they do it. Well, recently, I stumbled upon this Reddit thread full of older adults sharing the little ways they show affection to their partners and keep the spark alive. They shared so much wisdom and many practical tips, so I had to share it.

Here's what they had to say: 2. "We have nicknames, silly games we made up, and we randomly touch each other. It takes us an hour to watch a 30-minute show because we pause and talk about something.

My love language is food. His love language is gifts. He says spoiled is just another word for loved.

18 years and counting." —u/ purplechunkymonkey 3. "My wife put love notes in my lunch bag.

I’d buy tiny stuffed animals and put them on the passenger seat of her car. I now leave them on her headstone." —u/ MatchPoint5 5.

"Four little words I learned to defuse tension: 'You may be right.'" —u/ zaftigquilter 6. "My husband died eight years ago; we had been married 35 years.

Every day, I found something to admire about him, then I told him what it was." —u/ Ridiculopathy 8. "When my husband and I started dating, we would text each other in haiku.

Every now and then, I send him a haiku just staying how much I love him and am proud of him working as hard as he does. Or I’ll put a card for him in his computer that he won’t find until he gets to work. Little thing.