A cloud of sorrow hangs over the Saidi family in Harare as they grapple with the tragic loss of their daughter, Lisa, who died just two hours after giving birth, H-Metro has reported . The young mother, aged 21, succumbed to complications after welcoming her baby into the world, leaving behind a newborn child and a family struggling to cope with the devastating loss. Adding to their grief is the alleged absence of support from the child’s father, Chancellor Chidziva, who is a married man.

Lisa’s family claims that Chidziva has not been forthcoming with assistance for the child, despite acknowledging his paternity. Lisa’s uncle, Cassim Saidi, paints a heartbreaking picture of the young mother’s struggles. “Lisa went to Harare from Kadoma where she was doing a course on beauty therapy.

She then met Chidziva, they started dating and she got pregnant,” he recounts. “Chidziva didn’t deny responsibility and advised her that she couldn’t join him at his home since he was married. Lisa then went back home to Kadoma and advised her relatives, her aunts and sisters to tell her father about the situation.

They teamed up and visited Chidziva who told them that he couldn’t accommodate her at his house since he is married,” said her uncle Cassim Saidi. Despite acknowledging his responsibility, Chidziva’s actions seem to contradict his words. He reportedly left Lisa to fend for herself, even after promising to find her alternative accommodation.

He would visit her oc.