Woof — it’s been a long week. If you feel like you’ve been working like a dog, let us offer you the internet equivalent of a big pile of catnip: hilarious tweets about pets. We Shih Tzu not.

Each week at HuffPost, we scour Twitter X (yes, Elon Musk is apparently fur real) to find the funniest posts about our furballs being complete goofballs. They’re sure to make you howl. (And if you want more, no need to beg ― you can check out last week’s batch right here .

) the perfect number of cats is two stupid cats. preferably siblings. but they can't both be the same type of stupid.

one needs to be stupid (dumb) and one needs to be stupid (annoying) dumb (left) annoying (right) https://t.co/MJ1nMsbVjq pic.twitter.

com/v0V48vYM67 This is Frank. He has to wait outside during pizza night. Can't imagine why.

12/10 pic.twitter.com/4TZQRLEuri (my dog from the back seat) hey you ran that grey light That's my spot.

.🐕🐾😅 pic.twitter.

com/DmcHofkFp6 i feel like i’m holding the door open for a cat with these two. in or out? in or out buddy??? https://t.co/sKhat1PUuN I was given a stern talking to this morning when I went to let Dandy out of her room.

I let her food bowl get completely empty. I accept full responsibility for this and hope to earn her forgiveness. Her bowl has been refilled now.

I hope this first step moves us closer to...

pic.twitter.com/KdcNrfRjOv he casted a love spell pic.

twitter.com/Q98Q67KcQB I do love it when people ask about how to change a cat’s beh.