1. A cereal dispenser , because cool snack gadgets like this don't only exist on TV shows — they can be a part of your bestie's everyday life, too! This dispenses the perfect amount of cereal, oats, or granola for their brekkie. Promising review: "We have three kids and a very small kitchen with very little cabinet/counter space!!! We used to keep our cereal boxes on top of our refrigerator, but I've been trying to declutter and also come up with a solution for our kids to be able to get their own cereal in the mornings.
THIS IS IT!!!! It looks great on our counter, and we have very little space, so it fits just right! This has been the perfect solution to giving our kids the independence they need to get their own breakfast! It has been a lifesaver!!! Love it!!!" — tenle Price: $28.42 2. A cloud-shaped utility knife , just in case your parent wants to up the "cute" factor of their office set-up.
This is also significantly smaller than most box cutters (which means less clutter!) while doing just as good of a job as the full-sized options. Promising review: "I love these — sturdy, sharp with retractable blade. I keep them in different rooms for opening packages or breaking down boxes to recycle.
Would recommend and buy again." — Amy Yasneski Price: $13.99 3.
A Tiki Toss ring game that'll be the most fun your sibling has had in a while. They can play literally anytime, whether they're taking a fun break from work or are in an ultimate duel during a backyard BBQ. Promis.