domoskanonos/iStock via Getty Images Co-authored by Treading Softly I love making long-term plans. I struggle to visualize the future unless I have a clear framework where I can place myself. This means that I need to have an idea of where I am, what I expect to be doing, and what is going on around me.

I like to then set clear incremental goals to achieve this greater vision. This approach has benefited me greatly when it comes to investing in the market or planning for retirement, simply because I have a perspective of what I want to achieve. While I don't need every single detail written down on the dotted line, I do have an idea of what I need to do to get there.

Every year, I review the income coming into my account and compare it against prior years, so I can see a steady incremental growth of the income generated by my retirement portfolio. One day, I will be able to sit back and simply enjoy the income from my dividend portfolio. I don't expect that to come anytime soon because I still absolutely love researching investments, discussing ideas with my private investment community, writing on Seeking Alpha, and engaging with the public.

Today, I want to take a longer-term perspective on investments. You see, as an income investor, I aim to hold every investment I buy for about two to three years at a minimum. I like to hold some investments with the goal of forever, and we've written about several of those before .

I want to take a look at two investments that, I think,.