Warning: This post contains mentions of abuse. We recently wrote a post where married women revealed the "hardest parts" of marriage that no one talks about . In the comments, divorced women shared their own perspectives about the difficulties of marriage, and some of these are gut-wrenching.

Here's what they had to say: 1. "The loneliness. I had this fantasy that I would no longer be lonely once I was married.

WRONG! In fact, loneliness during marriage is almost worse than the loneliness I've experienced since I dumped my horrible, mean, cheating husband. I almost married once more but came to my senses. I've been single for the past 34 years.

I got a home repair guide and learned how to fix things myself, but my neighbor guys were also helpful. Be brave!" "Lived in France. Lived in Italy.

I do what I want. Watch what I want. Eat when I want.

I clean, or not, when I want. It's glorious! I'm fabulously happy these days. Not lonely at all! Got lots of friends, women and men.

If you're lonely, get a dog! LOL. It's not easy; you need a strong spine and spirit. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

" —72, Oregon 2. "My ex kept a clean house and was an excellent cook. I was smitten and thought I had found my soulmate.

However, the moment that ring was on my finger, I became his personal maid. I deeply resented his clothing strewn around the house because cleaning was 'women's work' after the wedding." — mekent 3.

"The hardest part about being married is becoming unmarried. Proc.