Recently Reddit user ballofsunshine12 asked women of the AskWomen subreddit community, "How’s life after getting married ?" Welp, they didn't hold anything back, and confessed what marriage is truly like after getting married. There are many ups, downs, and everything in between, giving folks full insight into how the relationship evolves. So, here's what life is like after getting married according to women: Note: This post contains subjects of domestic abuse and mental illness.

Please proceed with caution. 1. "We've been married for 19 years, and it's quite miserable now.

The first decade was great — the 'newness' of the marriage and kids coming into the picture. It was great until it wasn’t. We had three kids under the age of five, and he was in the army.

It was very hard for me to be able to prioritize EVERYONE. As a wife and a mom, we want to make sure everyone gets taken care of, but you get burnt out. When you’re home with the kids, by the end of the day, you give what you have left to your spouse.

I didn’t have much left at the end of the day." "He was medically retired from the army unexpectedly and abruptly. I worried about money and housing.

He was also diagnosed with bipolar disorder — I focused on the wrong things. He struggled to find a job — due to loss of identity, I viewed it as 'laziness.' He didn’t communicate with me.

I got a job, and while giving myself to the job, kids, and what was left to him, I neglected myself. The things I did were n.