The words “intimacy” and “sex” are often used interchangeably. And while sex can be one type of intimacy, there are many non-sexual acts that can be quite intimate, too. “ There are a number of things that can lead to greater intimacy in relationships, none of which are complicated or earth-moving.

But they can have profound impacts on the closeness and connection in the relationship,” clinical sexologist and sexuality educator Lawrence Siegel told HuffPost. When they grab your hand to lead you through crowded areas >>> We recently asked people which acts they believe have the power to deepen a couple’s bond.

Here’s what they told us: 1. Quietly doing something you know your partner will appreciate with no prompting whatsoever. “And no attempt to ‘get credit.

’ For example, cleaning out the fridge and then not saying anything. Putting on their favorite song or album without them asking. Bringing them a cup of coffee in the morning, just the way they like it.

It shows how well you know them, and it’s an action that can speak louder than words.” — Adrienne Hedger, artist at Hedger Humor 2. Giving each other your undivided attention.

“In a world full of distractions, giving your partner your full attention is a profound act of intimacy. Whether it’s having a deep conversation or simply hearing about their day, this act shows that you value and respect them. It creates a space where your partner feels heard and understood, st.