Fifteen high school students completed the six-week SkillCraft Youth Internship, gaining experience in social media marketing. A spokesperson said, “Fifteen high school students are leaving the six-week SkillCraft Youth Internship with a newfound appreciation for social media marketing. “In its third year, SkillCraft paired fifteen youth interns with fifteen local organisations to provide assistance with social media content planning and creation.

For three days each week, the interns attended workshops to enhance their social media marketing knowledge. They spent the remaining two days each week at their host organisation to gather content and learn more about the inner workings of the organisations. “While many of the interns were already familiar with social media as everyday users, they needed to develop an understanding of marketing basics to create a social media strategy and create effective content.

During the six-week programme, the interns discovered how to use social media as a marketing tool, engage audiences and achieve their organisations’ objectives. The interns also learned about paid social media advertising, how social media fits into a larger marketing campaign and how artificial intelligence can be used as a marketing tool.” An intern, Shenice Maylor, reflected, “There’s a lot to learn from the internship about life in general and skills that you need in your adult life.

You learn so much about business, how to promote it and much more. You m.