I, like so many of us in this glorious economy, do not own my own home, and thus am unable to decorate or design said home to my liking. Instead (for better or worse — oftentimes worse) I spend time looking at other people's renovation jobs, which are posted all over the internet. Obviously, I love to hate watch people who are richer than me decorating the houses that I cannot afford in ways that I would never choose to decorate them.

And I know I'm not alone here, so bear with me while I indulge in being a hater for just a second. Below, you'll find all the design trends that I absolutely hate; and you'll be able to tell me whether you agree with me or not! "Julia," you'll doubtlessly tell me in the comments, "I can do whatever I want with my home!" Yes. And I can think it's ugly.

But in the interest of letting The PeopleTM have a voice, I am giving you the vote: you can tell me, below each opinion, whether I am justified, or am I absolutely wrong. 1. Floating staircases.

I feel like I'd fall off the landing and break my head open. 2. Exterior spotlights.

Your house isn't the Parthenon. Can they be beautiful? Sometimes! But I don't need to be forced to look at how beautiful you think your home is. Also, light pollution is ugly.

3. Doorless showers. Doesn't water get everywhere? 4.

Stark white / all neutral / "Millennial grey" décor. 5. Recessed lighting.

Cold and sterile. Hurts my brain. Buy yourself a lamp.

6. Ridiculously high ceilings. This is very subjective and I re.