When people are investing in home , are often the go-to pick. And while as a trainer I do enjoy using them, my favorite piece of equipment for strength workouts is actually a resistance band. They are inexpensive, versatile and easy to transport.

Plus, they can work larger muscles as well as smaller, stabilizing muscles. Studies show that training improves balance and , and can than other types of strength training. As someone who is always on the go, I love that resistance bands are super easy to pack and whip out in a small space (like a hotel room) and they can literally be shoved in a drawer at home.

I recommend investing in two types of resistance bands. Looped are great for and as the range of motion is smaller than it is for the upper body. The require longer tubed resistance bands with handles to allow for a larger range of motion.

Here are 15 resistance-band exercises that you can use to strengthen and tone your entire body. The first half of the exercises are performed using a resistance band with handles, and the second half using a looped resistance band. Stand with feet hip-width apart and grab one handle of the resistance band in each hand.

If the band is too long, let the handles dangle and hold onto the actual band. Extend your arms straight out in front of you, palms facing the ground. Make sure there is tension in the resistance band, enough that it's a challenge, but not so much that it's too difficult to pull apart.

Pull the band apart until reaching a “.