Broccoli Recipes- Most often considered to be an exotic vegetable, broccoli draws resemblance to cauliflower, a regular vegetable in almost all Indian households. Broccoli is actually part of the cabbage family and its name comes from the Italian word "broccolo", the flowering top of the cabbage plant. It is said that broccoli was first cultivated about 2000 years ago in Europe and was brought to other countries by Italians.
Broccoli is one of the most nutritious vegetables and rather exotic with dark green, crisp and sturdy florets. It is one of those unique vegetables that have a colourful and well-documented history. And President Barack Obama would agree with our analysis.
A little while ago, at a state dinner in the White House, he rated broccoli as his favourite vegetable! Broccoli also ranks as the world's fifth most popular vegetable. Many would disagree with this theory and one person who would definitely disagree is America's 43rd President, George Bush. Did you know that he banned it from being served on Air Force One? George Bush was quoted saying, "I haven't liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it.
I'm President of the United States, and I'm NOT going to eat any more broccoli.''How to Prepare Broccoli | Tips To Cook BroccoliSome would say broccoli is boring but that is far from reality. Broccoli is juicy, fresh and firm and needs to be cooked right.
Plonking broccoli in boiling water breaks down its cells faster than other cooking methods. I.