Wrangel Island Lost in the Arctic Ocean, this island is located on the border of the Western and Eastern Hemispheres. Its hilly landscape resembles one of the Game of Thrones locations. But, the games played there are more courting and nursery games than geopolitical games – that’s because polar bears mostly breed there.

Putorana Plateau The name of the mountain range translates as “lakes with steep banks” or “mountains without peaks”. Reindeer, elk, wolverines and bears live there. Many lakes, rivers and waterfalls are hidden in the gorges and valleys of the plateau, including the highest in Russia – Talnikovy.

Its stream falls from a height of 600 meters. By the way, the geographical center of the country is located on the plateau – it passes through Lake Vivi. Oreshek Fortress The 14th-century fortress stands on the island of the same name at the mouth of the Neva.

Oreshek has a dark history: for a long time, there was a prison there. The first prisoners were the sister and first wife of Peter the Great - Princess Maria Alekseevna and Evdokia Lopukhina. Later, the Decembrists were kept there.

Ruskeala Marble of different shades was mined in the Ruskeala quarries in the 18th century for cladding and decorating churches and palaces in St. Petersburg. In the 2000s, the territory of the old quarry, in the bowl of which water now splashes, was turned into a mountain park.

You can walk along underground routes - atmospheric lighting is installed in the adits (hor.