Canned soup is the ultimate pantry item. Flavorful, affordable, versatile, and easy to prepare, it's been supplying people with quick lunches and simple dinners since it was invented back in the late 1800s. In all of that time, though, people have been making more mistakes with their canned soup than you might think.

This food item isn't as easy to get right as it looks, and it's prone to a wide number of errors when making and consuming it; errors that not only ruin your enjoyment, but may also put you at risk of illness. A lot of the mistakes surrounding canned soup concern people failing to realize that they can improve it more easily than they think. Some canned soups have an unappealing, one-note flavor that few folks can rectify properly, and some people counteract this by adding ingredients that they really shouldn't.

Others forget that canned soup really isn't as substantial as one might think, and they don't add key ingredients that can make it more filling and tasty. One of the most serious mistakes people make, though, is eating canned soup that they really shouldn't, due to compromised packaging. If you're ready to get your canned soup game right, you've come to the right place.

1. Mistake: Adding salt to your canned soup A lot of canned soups can be curiously lacking in flavor — and we say curiously because, in a lot of cases, we can't quite believe how much sodium they have. There are a lot of canned soups out there that you shouldn't buy , and one of the main.