I’m not a particularly spiritual—or even sentimental—person, but I find it hard not to be deeply moved when I’m outdoors. Recently, I hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, and as I craned my neck to gaze at the perfectly symmetrical rock formations that took millions of years to form, I felt entirely insignificant compared to—and at the mercy of—nature. [ Sheds a silent tear.

] Then, on the gruelling trek back up the trail, I heard “BABY HOLD ME CLOSER IN THE BACKSEAT OF YOUR ROVER” booming from a portable speaker, which suddenly and violently ejected me from my tender, emotional communion with the Arizona wilderness. This, my friends, was a serious breach of etiquette. Hiking, though it takes place in the wild, is just like any restaurant, nightclub, or even your mom’s house: There are unwritten social rules.

No, you won’t be arrested for having objectively terrible taste in music . However, hogging a great photo op spot, blasting EDM or not letting other people pass you will get plenty of well-deserved side-eye. (Of course, some offences, like littering, will likely get you slapped with a big fine.

) To help make the Great Outdoors more enjoyable and accessible for everyone, here are 14 basic hiking rules every grown-ass adult needs to know. 1. Don’t be that unprepared person You won’t necessarily offend someone by wearing the wrong footwear, forgetting a rain jacket during the wet season or running out of water but you will, perhaps, feel a little.