Airport outfits are the perfect way to gain attention from fans and the media, but a young member from the group ‘s recent appearance sparks a huge debate. One of the members is well-known trot artist who is the youngest of the group, being only 13-years-old. Recently, UNIS arrived at the airport for an overseas schedule, and the media shared photos of Seowon.

The young idol was dressed in a graphic t-shirt and had a white skirt over some jeans, which was deemed appropriate for her young age and something often worn by young teenagers. Yet, the photos of Seowon still sparked a debate online. In the comments of one post, netizens believed that while Seowon looked cute, they didn’t think it was the right time for someone so young to debut in an idol group.

With her talent, many thought she should’ve waited a few years and waited to debut in another group, even though UNIS is only temporary. She’s beautiful, young, and talented, so she probably could have joined a better agency. It’s a shame that she debuted too quickly.

If she had joined a good company and delayed her debut by just 2 or 3 years, she could have hit it big...

such a pity. She’s a bit young; there should have been an age limit. Like the top comment said, she should have waited a few more years and joined a major agency.

.. What was the rush? She’s a natural beauty.

It’s not that I dislike her because she’s young, it’s just really a shame. It might actually be better for her that UNIS didn’t ma.