Many runners aspire to running a marathon and with a it’s possible for newcomers to reach the finish line of their chosen . Whether you've run your , or you have run a few already, the chances are you will be keen to improve your time, perhaps aiming for a , a or even a . In this guide we reveal 12 top tips to help you improve your marathon time.

Whether it’s an online training plan, a marathon training plan found in a book or , the key to running a faster marathon time is to make sure you build up the mileage carefully and consistently. An expert training plan will give you the building blocks to achieving a faster time by helping you to run at the right speed and building endurance over the distance. A running club is sure to include members who are experienced marathon runners.

Joining a club allows you to meet people who can guide you to improving your marathon time. Attending a club regularly will also give you the opportunity to run faster and to participate in sessions such as speed work or . Running with other people is also motivating and often brings the benefit of helping you to run faster.

For marathon training that is customised to suit your level and fitness, there is little to beat . An experienced coach will assess your current running speed and help you to train towards an improved marathon time. To improve your marathon time, you will need to run faster.

To run faster in a race – and for 26.2 miles – your body needs to be trained to adapt to the pace.